How to play

1. Selecting a Game

  • Browse the Game Library: From the dashboard, go to the game library section and browse through the available games.

  • Choose a Game: Select a game based on your interest. Consider the game’s description, difficulty level, and earning potential.

2. Understanding Game Mechanics

  • Read Game Instructions: Before starting, read the game's instructions and objectives carefully. This will help you understand how to play and what it takes to earn Lazy Points.

  • Check the Controls: Familiarize yourself with the game controls, which can vary between games. They are usually simple and intuitive for hypercasual games.

3. Playing and Earning

  • Start Playing: Click on the play button to start the game. Enjoy the gameplay while aiming to achieve high scores or complete challenges.

  • Earn Lazy Points: Based on your performance and achievements in the game, you'll earn Lazy Points. The specifics of how points are awarded will vary from one game to another.

4. Participating in Tournaments and Challenges

  • Join Tournaments: Look out for competitive tournaments and multiplayer modes where you can challenge other players. This is a great way to test your skills, enjoy community engagement, and increase your earning potential.

  • Stake and Wager: Once available, explore options to stake your Lazy Points or wager them in competitions. Ensure you understand the risks and strategies involved.

5. Managing Earnings and Rewards

  • View Your Earnings: Check your dashboard regularly to see how many Lazy Points you've earned.

  • Use or Exchange Lazy Points: Follow the platform's guidelines on how you can use your Lazy Points within the ecosystem or exchange them for other cryptocurrencies or rewards.

Last updated